Who We Are

Shadow Jumpers is a 501c3 nonprofit that creates meaningful experiences and a sense of community to families in North America suffering from rare photosensitive conditions.

Since 2018, Shadow Jumpers has assisted families in renovating their homes to be more UV safe, organized sun proof and all expenses paid vacations, provide financial relief for related medical bills and created a ‘pay it forward’  protective clothing drive.

In May of 2024 Shadow Jumpers co-created SUN ESCAPE, a yearly camp that features a variety of activities purposely indoors or set in the late evening. Those activities include archery, horseback riding, zip lining, fishing, bowling, an indoor super dome, a petting zoo, arts & crafts and, in 2025, a water park – making it a one of kind sun safe experience. 

Unique In Our Approach

Shadow Jumpers was created by patients, parents and medical professionals from the rare photosensitive community.

Our desire was to be a first of its kind nonprofit in this space that spoke to the common person’s ups and downs when battling the sun in addition to providing personal experiences to enhance in their day to day lives.

Board of Directors

Shadow Jumpers’ board consists only of people with a photosensitive condition, a parent or family member to someone with these conditions, and a medical professional working specifically in this space.

One of our 7 board seats is always held by a youth ambassador.

Learn more about our board of directors and leaders by clicking HERE

  • Shadow Jumpers are our true life superheroes

    “When they came into our lives, we were struggling parents filled with uncertainty and anxiety about Sissy’s health and EPP. We needed them more than they’ll ever know. From giving Sissy a new basement and bedroom to escape the sun to our incredible weekend with the San Jose Sharks. They made our entire family feel special and we cannot thank them enough. We are extremely grateful to be part of their story.”

  • I truly believe

    “…Cheyenne’s ranch trip set up through Shadow Jumpers helped her realize that she can do anything regardless of her EPP diagnosis. When she was first diagnosed all we heard was “I can’t” and now it is all “I can,” with lots of plans on how to make it happen”

  • Thank you Shadow Jumpers

    “..for helping us re-do our failed beach vacation. This week of memories helped our son Caleb realize he is tougher than the sun and anything is possible even with his EPP”

  • As the holidays approached

    “…we were afraid we wouldn’t be able to provide a proper Christmas morning for our children. Shadow Jumpers wasn’t going to let that happen. They covered the cost of our outstanding medical bills and past due living expenses while also giving our children dozens of toys to open from Santa.”

  • My son’s diagnosis divided life into a BEFORE & AFTER with the sun

    “I decided to attend the International Porphyria Symposium to learn about other experiences with EPP.  As a single mother with limited income, attending the event represented a substantial financial commitment. To my surprise, Shadow Jumpers stepped in and covered all my travel and event costs.”

  • When we connected with Shadow Jumpers

    “…they decided getting our son a golf cart to help him get around our family campground for the summer would be a great idea. Deagon now gets to ride place to place with a roof over his head, minimal UV exposure, a sun proof windshield and arrives ready to place without the fear of a reaction. We’re thankful Shadow Jumpers covered the total cost of the cart.”

  • Shadow Jumpers heard our story

    “…and fully renovated our garage so our daughter Adeline could play with her brothers and sisters partially outside while still being protected from the sun. Its been the best summer ever.”